2015 Prestige Conference

Techies are great at innovating but often the business side gets left behind. Enter Prestige Conference. The speakers ranged from CTOs from large hosting companies to project managers from local design studios. The key difference for me in the presentations at Prestige was the amount of actionable advice.

And while all of the speakers were great, two really hit home for me, Jennifer Bourn from Bourn Creative and Jason Cohen from WP Engine. Jennifer guided the audience through a hands-on worksheet on how to organize your company’s brand and approach sales in a meaningful way. Jason discussed the misnomers of A/B testing and how rare events and misunderstood stats can lead to chasing your tail. I was literally just starting down this path for my own site and he saved me a lot of hours of banging my head against the wall.

Here are a few of the pics from the conference (some by Mendel from GoDaddy). Also, check out the conversation at #prestigeconf.

Tyler Golberg

Tyler Golberg

I love writing about web design that inspires, figuring out Google's black box, and speaking to lively audiences. In my spare time, I enjoy reading Game of Thrones (waiting on Winds of Winter) and touring the lakes on my paddleboard.

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